Fotografierte Achitektur auf Ansichtskarten 1919-1939

modern greetings
Photographed Achitecture on picture postcards1919-1939

In 1870 the postcard was installed as a new and cheap media of private communication. During the period of Classical Modern Architecture it could sufficiently be used to publish its professionally produced photographs of public building and private housing. As part of the collection bernd dicke this exhibition displays postcards of several german cities having been centers of Germany‘s architectural avant-garde in 1919-1939.

moderne grüße / modern greetings
Fotografierte Architektur auf Ansichtskarten 1919-1939 / Photographed Achitecture on picture postcards1919-1939

Hrsg. Kirsten Baumann (Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau) und Rolf Sachsse

216 Seiten, 19,4 x 21 cm, 180 Abbildungen.
Text in Deutsch und Englisch.

€ 24,80 | SFr 45 (Verkaufspreis im Buchhandel)

ISBN 3-89790-019-X




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Weißenhofgalerie Stuttgart


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